Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Kicked Out on to The Cold Dark Scary Streets of Kasimpasa

Cool! I finally found out how to publish this thing! Just in time to tell the world about the absolutely insane weekend which just passed.

It all started because a certain friend of mine couldn't make a decision between all of the most beautiful men who had fallen in love with her. She couldn't choose just one, she wanted them all. Because of this, a fight over the lovely lady had broken out starting in our dorm room and quickly moving out into the common area. Apparently, as I was locked into my room, the fight became quite violent as more and more people got involved. What can you expect living in a all male dorm? My friend had to speak with security and tell them absolutely everything that had happened and why it had happen.

We found out the next morning that our accomadation at the dormatory was in jeapordy. It didn't matter that we were not the ones that were actually in the fight, we were considered "the trouble makers." It didn't make sense to us, but many things in a new culture never make sense. What were we going to do? We would never be able to afford to live on our own in an appartment in Istanbul. Pretty much our only other option was to go to our respective home countries. This would be quite an upset considering the two of us were planning on staying in Turkey for at least another 7 months and up to two years. A meeting between the Dormatory manager and AIESEC was arranged for Sunday.

All of Saturday my friend and I could not stop thinking about the fight and the possibility of having to cut our traineeship short and go home. There was really nothing we could do. Not only could we be kicked out of the dorms, but we would have to leave a new life we had just started to create. We both had made some really great friends and have started adapting to the culture. How could we go home now?

When the decision was pretty much made that Iva and I got the boot, the victim of the fight (who happened to be in love with Iva) decided he would talk to the manager himself. Somehow, he was able to convince him that we were not the ones that should be punished. We were not involved in the actual fight.

Hooray!!! We can stay!!


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