Thursday, December 09, 2004

Top Ten Things I Miss From The States

10. Owning a car

9. Microwavable popcorn

8. Calling plan for cell phones (I hate this stupid sim card system!)

7. Fixed pricing

6. Target/Walgreens/Cub Foods

5. Iron Butterflies (hard liquor in general)

4. Tampon Applicators

3. Sidewalks

2. Filtered Coffee (Nescafe doesn't quite do it)

1. Orbits Gum (I can't find anything that doesn't lose taste 20 seconds into chewing)

Top Ten Things That Make Up For It

10. Baklava

9. Bizaars

8. Price negotiation

7. Hamamlar (Turkish Baths)

6. Dolmus

5. Raki

4. Besiktas futbol fans

3. Sitting at tiny tables surrounded by pillows sipping endless turkish tea from mini tulip glasses while playing tavula (backgammon) and drinking (smoking) Nargile (Hookah/Sheesha)

2. Turkish Hospitality

1. 25 cent ferry rides to Asia


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