Farewell to Prison
Wooo Hooo!! "We" finally move out of the dorms today!!
No more jungle boys!!
No more second hand smoke in the morning!
No more searching for a clean bathroom!
No more gypsies attempting to steal purses in Kasimpasa!
No more Lemar!
Woo Hoo! We are out of here!
(For those of you who might actually be following my blog and what's going on in my life and are confused as to where I am living at the moment, let me clarify. I am still living with the new fam in Yasilkoy, but I will keep my place in the dormatory as a safety net. It's nice for the weekends and weeknights when I want to go out and meet up with friends. I don't think the fam would be too fond of me coming home at 3am and waking up the housekeeper to let me inside. )
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