Friday, May 27, 2005

The Love Boat

I just reached the ferry port in time to board after saying farewell to my father as he was leaving Turkey to go home to the states. I felt bad for leaving early but I really needed to have a good night with all my friends. I was a little worried as a boat party pretty much means you’re stuck out at sea with the same people for 5 hours. It was actually really cool because all of the trainees decided to go together. It was a kind of "bonding" if you will.

The city of Istanbul is absolutely gorgeous at night and from a boat in the Bosphorus it's pretty much indescribable. All of the Mosques and Palaces are all lit up and reflect beautifully off the water.

The first hour was nice as we were all starting to get a little tipsy, a few more hours and we became more than a little friendly. The trainees pretty much became incestual. It was so surprising. People I never would have imagined having chemistry for each other fell victim to their libido that night. I think there must be something about the sea that brings people together.

It's too bad I didn't care to pay attention to any of the love escapades of the night. I could have taken some wonderfully incriminating photos. But as you can see by the ones taken that even those of us who didn't meet our match that night had an absolutely wonderful time ;-)


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